SuperCO2 System
- The Shipboard Underway pCO2 Environmental Recorder (SUPER-CO2) is designed for automated shipboard analysis of seawater and atmospheric CO 2
- Rapidly analyzes changing CO2 levels in samples as often as every 2 seconds
- Built around a NDIR (non-dispersive infrared) gas analyzer (LI-COR 850 CO2/H2O)
- Can use either a showerhead equilibrator or a membrane contactor to equilibrate a gas stream to the liquid sample stream
- Uses a Windows-based tablet for control, real time display and data collection
- Once running the unit requires minimal oversight
- For long term accuracy the system periodically runs 3-4 standard gases (user supplied) to calibrate the NDIR system
- Samples ambient atmospheric CO2 periodically
- Can support a Seabird thermo-salinograph and other analog output sensors by special order