making ocean carbonate instruments since 1999.

 Sunburst Demonstrates SAMI-CO2 at ICOS OTC 2019


Sunburst Sensors was invited to participate in the 2nd Integrated Carbon Observation System Ocean Thematic Centre (ICOS OTC) sensor workshop at GEOMAR in Kiel, Germany in November 2019. The purpose of the 3-day workshop was to train ICOS members in best practices for CO2 measurements, as well as instrument maintenance and data handling. Reggie Spaulding presented SAMI-CO2 best practices, maintenance, and quality control. Approximately 30 members from across Europe attended.

ICOS will sponsor a pCO2 measurement intercomparison exercise in 2021 at the Flanders Marine Institute in Belgium. The exercise will focus on underway instruments. We plan to test our SuperCO2 and our AFT-CO2 instruments.